Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Westmorland and Furness Survey |
Welcome to our survey
Westmorland and Furness Council has secured substantial funding to install more electric vehicle chargepoints across our area, as part of the Government's Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) program.
This funding, which cannot be used for any other purpose, will help residents who don't have private driveways or garages to charge an electric vehicle on a street close to their home.
By participating in this survey, you can directly influence where and how this vital new infrastructure is developed.
The survey includes questions to help us understand the needs and preferences of residents, businesses, and visitors.
Plus, there's a dedicated section for suggesting potential locations for new electric vehicle chargepoints.
Feel free to share this survey with anyone interested in shaping the future of electric vehicle charging in Westmorland and Furness.
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
This funding, which cannot be used for any other purpose, will help residents who don't have private driveways or garages to charge an electric vehicle on a street close to their home.
By participating in this survey, you can directly influence where and how this vital new infrastructure is developed.
The survey includes questions to help us understand the needs and preferences of residents, businesses, and visitors.
Plus, there's a dedicated section for suggesting potential locations for new electric vehicle chargepoints.
Feel free to share this survey with anyone interested in shaping the future of electric vehicle charging in Westmorland and Furness.
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.