We are looking forward to working with you. Let's see where you are starting from then we can make sure we give you the career support you need

Question Title

* 1. Why is it important to be thinking about your career?

Question Title

* 2. How much do you agree with these statement?

  1. Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Strongly agree
I know what interests I have that could link to a future job
I know what skills I have that I could use in future work
I know what job I would like to do in the future
I know what qualifications I need for a future job I am interested in
I feel confident about deciding a future career to suit me
I know where to find information to help me make career choices in the future.
I know that getting good grades at school will give me more opportunities in the future.

Question Title

* 3. Say one thing you would like to get out of the Next Steps Ready sessions