West Oakland Trees Interest Form

If you live, work, or own property in West Oakland, complete this form to let us know where we should plant trees in the neighborhood, and/or request a free tree. Your responses will help us plant a greener, cleaner West Oakland. There are no wrong answers! We expect this form to take 5-10 minutes to complete. If you need language translation, please email mpanchal@woeip.org.

The West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project is a resident-led environmental justice organization dedicated to achieving healthy homes, healthy jobs and healthy neighborhoods for all who live, work, learn and play in West Oakland, California. WOEIP is working on this program in partnership with the City of Oakland, Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation, Hyphae Design Lab, and the California Air Resources Board.

Your data and privacy
Your responses will be used to understand how the community feels about trees, to determine if you’re eligible to receive a free tree, and to administer our tree planting program. Any personally identifiable information you provide will be kept confidential among the program partners. Demographic info will be separated from any personally identifiable info and only be used anonymously in aggregate.

Question Title

* 1. I understand the purpose of this survey and that all of my personally identifiable information will be held confidential. I understand that I am free to stop at any time and skip any questions that I am not comfortable answering. I also understand that I have the right to contact the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (communications@woeip.org) to request to have my personal information erased from the record at any time.