Investigators: Maria Malayter, Ph.D. Kara Fasone, Ph.D.
Study Title: Well-Being Centered Leadership: An Exploratory Study of Effective Leader Wellness, Emotional Intelligence, and Psychological Capital. We are professors at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. This study is being conducted to advance the research in the field of Organizational Leadership and Business Psychology. We are asking you to participate in a research study about the attitudes and behaviors of leaders. You will be asked to complete a survey. This will take between 8-10 minutes. This may cause you to feel mildly uncomfortable. This may also feel as though your privacy is being violated. Although you may not benefit, it will help to understand the field of business psychology and the development of future leaders in organizations worldwide. Please take your time to read the entire document and feel free to ask any questions before signing this document.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand if there is a relationship between effective leadership and a leader’s wellness, emotional intelligence and psychological capital. We hope to understand this further to advance the study of leadership development and leadership theory. We also hope to advance the study of workplace wellness.
Procedures: In order to participate in the study, you click a link that will take you to a survey to assess your eligibility to participate. You will then be asked to complete a survey that will take no longer than 15 minutes related to your own leadership, wellness, emotional intelligence and psychological capital self perceptions.
Risks to Participants: The risks may include mild emotional distress and invasion of privacy. A participant will have to think about their daily interactions and behaviors and how they view themselves as a leader, which may cause emotional distress. The invasion of privacy will be reduced by not tracking any IP address information or any information that would connect responses or identity to the survey. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, the participant may choose discontinue the survey process.
Benefits to Participants: You will not directly benefit from this study. However, we hope the information learned from this study may benefit society in our understanding how we can further develop effective leadership skills for the changing dynamics of the world. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study participation at any time without any penalty.
Confidentiality: There will be no identifying information collected. The data from the surveys will be kept on a password protected laptop and kept with the researcher, myself, Dr. Malayter and/or Dr. Fasone. The information will be retained for a minimum of 5 years as per required by the American Psychological Association guidelines. It is possible that your data may be used for future research or distributed to another researcher without your consent. However, information that could identify you will be removed. Your research records may be reviewed by federal agencies whose responsibility is to protect human subjects participating in research, including the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) and by representatives from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Institutional Review Board, a committee that oversees research.
Questions/Concerns: If you have questions related to the procedures described in this document please contact Maria Malayter at (researcher) or Kara Fasone at (researcher)