Digital Editors' Network Study: Benchmarking Your Website |
1. Welcome.
As we grapple with how to create revenues with our online brands it's obvious that we must understand more about our audiences than just whether the number of unique users is increasing month on month.
How much of our audience are regular visitors or eager participants in our online comemnt forums? How many are based abroad and how many are just dipping in to follow a link to one page?
The Digital Editors' Network Winter 2010 meeting on February 25th will give you the chance to compare notes other digital editors and see how your site measures up to industry trends (See: ).
To add to that Chatham House Rule-discussion, we are asking all participants to complete this survey.
Please be assured that your individual responses will remain anonymous and will only be reported as part of the group results. However, if you would like a summary of the survey findings, you can include your contact details at the end of the survey.
Your participation is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any question. The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you indicate your consent to participate in the project.
If you have questions, or comments about the research, please contact François Nel at FPNel @ / @francoisnel / +(0)1772)894730.
And, of course, if you could pass this link along to other digital editors who would be interested in contributing to the research, that would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
How much of our audience are regular visitors or eager participants in our online comemnt forums? How many are based abroad and how many are just dipping in to follow a link to one page?
The Digital Editors' Network Winter 2010 meeting on February 25th will give you the chance to compare notes other digital editors and see how your site measures up to industry trends (See: ).
To add to that Chatham House Rule-discussion, we are asking all participants to complete this survey.
Please be assured that your individual responses will remain anonymous and will only be reported as part of the group results. However, if you would like a summary of the survey findings, you can include your contact details at the end of the survey.
Your participation is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any question. The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you indicate your consent to participate in the project.
If you have questions, or comments about the research, please contact François Nel at FPNel @ / @francoisnel / +(0)1772)894730.
And, of course, if you could pass this link along to other digital editors who would be interested in contributing to the research, that would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.