Wolvey Dog Walking Fields Survey
WDWF Feedback Survey
How often do you use Wolvey Dog Walking Field
Over 2 times per week
2 times per month
Seasonally/ As & when
Around once per month
Have used it a few times
Never used it
Used to use it but do not anymore
If you have used or do currently use secure dog fields, what is your main reason for doing so? e.g. you have a reactive dog
Which Field do you use the most
Cottage Farm
Burton Fields
Never used either
What is the reason for your previous answer?
What do you LIKE THE MOST about Wolvey Dog Walking Fields?
Would you be interested in a new field north of Hinckley (towards Market Bosworth)?
Definitely would
Probably would
Probably would not
Definitely would not
What impact would the below have on your view & use at WDWF?
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
A shelter/ indoor area at Cottage Farm
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
Lights at Cottage Farm
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
More lights at Burton Fields
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
More agility equipment
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
Improved cleaning/ wash down area for dogs
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
A wider gap in between clients
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
A solid fence at Cottage Farm (so that dogs in the field cannot see cars arriving)
Big Improvement- I would use this a lot more
Improvement- I might use this field a bit more
Would'nt change my opinion/ make a difference to me
Irrelevant to me
What other realistic improvements do you think Wolvey Dog Walking Fields could make?
Do you have anymore feedback/ comments you would like to give to us?