Women's Entrepreneurship research Women's Entrepreneurship research Your privacy is important to us and all information supplied will only be used in overall statistics and will not include any identifying information. OK Question Title * 1. How long have you been in business? pre-launch less than 12 months 1 - 3 years 4 - 5 years 6 - 7 years 8 - 10 years More than 10 years Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. Do you have children? Yes - all under 5 years old Yes - all under 12 years old Yes - all under 18 years old Yes - all over 18 years old No Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. How old are you? 18 - 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 + Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. About you Name Company City State postcode Country Email Address OK Question Title * 5. Are you living in a rural, regional, remote or metro area? Rural Regional Remote Metropolitan/City Other OK Question Title * 6. Gender Female Male Other OK Question Title * 7. Do you consider yourself as Heterosexual or straight Homosexual Bisexual Prefer not to say Other OK Question Title * 8. Diversity and inclusion is important to us, are you: Indigenous Australian Indigenous North American African African American Asian Latino White/caucasian European Polynesian Maori Arabian Indian Indigenous South American Other OK Question Title * 9. Why did you start your business? I wanted better flexibility I had an idea/found a gap in the market I had been in business before I was made redundant/not able to return to my former position I was unable to find employment elsewhere I'm from an entrepreneurial family I wanted to be my own boss I feel called to do this work in the world Other OK Question Title * 10. What was your previous occupation? Corporate Government Retail I've always been an entrepreneur Student Health Education Mining Service business Product business Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 11. What's your level of education? High school completion University bachelor degree TAFE Post-graduate PHd Comments OK Question Title * 12. Were your parents business owners? No neither parents had businesses Yes both parents had businesses Yes my father had a business Yes my mother had a business Comments OK Question Title * 13. What's your definition of success? OK Question Title * 14. What do you think is the secret to success? OK Question Title * 15. Is there a successful celebrity or business woman you admire or are inspired by? Who are they? Why did you choose this person? OK Question Title * 16. How do you measure success? Financial success Personal satisfaction The ability to work where and when I want Being a household name or a recognised brand Other Why did you answer in this way? OK Question Title * 17. In terms of business success, which of the following applies for you right now? My business has the potential to be a little more successful than it currently is My business has the potential to be a lot more successful than it currently is My business is right where it should be in terms of success There is no further potential for my business to be successful Other Why did you answer in this way? OK Question Title * 18. What's the main business challenge you're facing at the moment Not enough sales Marketing isn't working Cash flow Profit margins are too low Too many expenses Too many competing priorities Not enough time to do everything Not enough money to invest into the business/employ staff Not knowing where to focus energy or what will work Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 19. What do you think is holding you back personally from being more successful or reaching your potential? Fear Time Money Family responsibilities Self-doubt Education/lack of qualifications Someone else Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 20. Let's talk about fears, out of the following list do you relate to any of these fears and if so what's your biggest challenge? Fear of failure Fear of risk Fear of rejection Fear of overwhelm Fear of not being perfect Fear of not having enough time to do everything Imposter syndrome Fear of criticism or feedback Fear of success Fear of change Fear of the unknown Fear of potential threats (eg competitors) Fear of not enough money (scarcity) None of these Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 21. If you've had a bad day (or week) what do you do to get your mojo back? Get out and go somewhere else - eg Go for a walk, to a cafe or a drive Stay where you are but do something to change your environment - eg Open the windows, light a candle, tidy your space Dance or move your body to music Draw, paint or do something creative Meditate or do yoga Exercise - go to the gym, ride a bike, run Go for a shower/bath Phone a friend/visit a friend Find support in an online community/social media Read a book/listen to a podcast/audiobook/watch a ted talk or similar None of these Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 22. When you're faced with a problem, dilemma or challenge in your business what do you do? Arrange a time to speak to a mentor or business coach Talk to a friend Post a question in an online group Sleep on it and come back to it the next day Engage in mindful thinking - Meditate, go for a walk, exercise, take a shower, paint or be creative Journal about it to process your thoughts Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 23. As an entrepreneur are you paying yourself as much as you would be paid if you were doing the same hours in your previous career? I’m not paid at all I’m being paid but a lot less I’m paid the same I'm paid more now Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 24. If you’re paying yourself less than your previous career, why? Reinvesting money into the business Cash flow challenges Been in business less than 12 months and not making a profit yet Other expenses are a greater priority I want to give back through making a difference and volunteering my time I'm not currently but plan to soon I am paying myself Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 25. How much did it cost to start your business? $0 $0 - $1000 $1000 - $5000 $5000 - $10,000 $10,000 - $20,000 $20,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $100,000 + OK Question Title * 26. How did you source capital to fund your start up costs? Bootstrapped from $0 Personal savings Borrowed from friends and family Investor funding Crowdfunding Bank loan Comments OK Question Title * 27. Think about everything you do in your business and how much time is allocated to each task. Which zone of operation are you working in most of the time: Zone of mediocrity - I find myself doing all the admin, hustling and little time to do the things I actually love Zone of competence - I find myself doing all the admin and some things I am good at but don't actually love Zone of excellence - I delegate tasks and find myself doing mostly things I'm good at and some time for doing things I actually love Zone of genius - I find myself delegating tasks so I can focus on the things I actually love to do and work in flow OK Question Title * 28. How many hours a week are you working? Less than 10 hours 10 - 20 hours 20 - 40 hours 40 - 50 hours 50 - 60 hours 60 - 70 hours 70+ hours OK Question Title * 29. Do you work nights and on weekends on your business? No I only work on my business during normal work hours I try not to but sometimes I have to Not every night or weekend but quite regularly Yes most nights and weekends I'm working on my business OK Question Title * 30. How do you feel about being able to access email and social media on your phone 24/7? I love it, it means I can work from anywhere, anytime It's sometimes convenient but I feel like I'm always on I find myself checking it more than I need to and I'd like to spend less time checking my phone I switch it off after work hours so I can relax I've turned off notifications so that its less distracting I wish I didn't have to have a phone Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 31. Approximately how much time do you spend on self care or time to yourself? 1 hour each day 1 hour each week 1 hour each month Never Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 32. What do you think is the secret to why some businesses are more successful than others? Persistence Capital Adaptability Confidence Innovation Business planning Education Marketing expertise Support Partnerships Connections Location Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 33. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest how do you feel about your business? OK Question Title * 34. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself in Business Marketing? Comments OK Question Title * 35. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself in understanding business finances? Comments OK Question Title * 36. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself as an expert in your field? Comments OK Question Title * 37. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself in your ability to implement systems? Comments OK Question Title * 38. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself in creating partnerships? Comments OK Question Title * 39. Out of 10 with 10 being the highest what would you rate yourself in courage and dreaming big? Comments OK Question Title * 40. Thank you so much for helping us with our research, this study is being used for my next book, if you'd like to hear about the results and stay in touch you can subscribe to our newsletter below Yes I'd like to subscribe OK DONE