Warrington Parents and Carers Survey 2024-2025

This is our annual outcomes survey for parent carers of children and young people (0-25) with SEND (whether diagnosed or not) who live in the Warrington Borough or who access services in Warrington. When we use the term 'local services' we mean the services offered across education, health and social care.

Our aims at WarrPAC are to make a difference because your voice matters. We therefore need to hear from you so that we can collate your feedback to take it to those who make decisions that affect our families.

This survey is open to anyone living in Warrington who has a child / young person aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) or to those children with SEND who receive their education in Warrington.

If you have more than one child / young person with SEND, please feel free to complete this survey more than once to include each of their needs.

Please include as much information as you can in the comment boxes as this really helps us to see the current issues across Warrington. Please avoid using any personal / identifiable comments within the feedback.

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* 1. Please enter the first part of your postcode or the school's postcode if you live outside Warrington e.g. WA1

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* 2. Do you consider your child to have special educational needs and/or disabilities(SEND)? If you answer "no" to this question, this survey will close

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* 3. Please describe your child's SEND. (Please choose all that apply)

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* 4. How old is your child?