Free People Read Freely and we are celebrating our right to read the books that speak to us! People of all ages in Washington State are invited to share their thoughts on the power and joy of reading freely.

Reading can serve so many purposes – entertainment, learning, instruction, understanding, validation, comfort, and so much more. This summer and fall, Washington State Library, Humanities Washington, and the Washington Center for the Book are coming together to celebrate the power of reading choice.

What does it mean to you to have the freedom to read? No matter how old you are, or where you are in Washington, we invite you to add your voice to a chorus of Washington readers. Let us know why the freedom to read is important to you, and we'll collect and share responses. Watch our social media and stay tuned for an interactive website filled with the thoughts of your fellow Washingtonians about why reading freely is such an important right.

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* What is your name? Feel free to use a pseudonym or answer anonymously if you wish!

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* How old are you?

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* How would you describe the place you reside in Washington?

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* What does it mean to you to have the freedom to choose what you read? Feel free to respond in any way you wish, or use one of the prompts below as inspiration:

1. Tell us about a book that is meaningful to you. How did you find this book? Why is it important that you had access to it?

2. How do you decide what to read? Where do you find reading material?

3. How would you feel if someone told you that you weren't allowed to read something you wanted to read? Why would you feel that way?

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* Would you like to be entered into a prize drawing? If you do, give us your email address!

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* Would you like to receive email news from Humanities Washington and the Washington State Library? If you do, make sure you gave us your email address above, and check here!

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* By filling out this form, I give permission for the Washington State Library, Washington Center for the Book, and Humanities Washington to use my response on social media posts, marketing, websites, etc.