Wanaka Bike Bus Survey |
Gauging Interest
Thanks for clicking through! We want to gauge parents and students interest in setting up a Bike Bus. This will help us to understand your needs to best adapt routes and times as well as barriers to and motivations for getting involved. A Bike Bus is a group of cyclists who ride together along a set route, similar to a bus, with designated stops for joining or leaving the group. We're looking to run a Pilot Bike Bus once a week on Tuesday afternoons with two incredible cycling legends to go from Holy Family School, via Wanaka Primary and MAC to the Recreation Centre along the new bike path.
First we want to gauge where students are coming from and gather data on general interest in participating in a Bike Bus. If you are interested, you'll go through to another set of questions to find out where the best routes/times could be. If you are interested in getting involved in the Pilot, there's a few other questions we have for you. The last questions are to give us an idea about the positives and barriers to getting a Bike Bus up and running.
Thanks for taking the time to fill this out!