Council are pleased to inform village residents about the two upcoming projects beginning in your communities.

Your feedback and input is important, and we invite you to participate in the community consultation process to ensure these projects align with the communities collective needs and aspirations. Information about these projects can be found at .

A community consultation session was held in each village to discuss these projects.
Quandialla: 20 March 9.30am to 11.00am
Caragabal: 17 May – 9.30am to 11.00am
Greenethorpe: 17 May – 2.00pm to 3.30pm

If you are were unable to attend the consultation session in person in your village, you can still provide feedback via:
- this online survey
- written survey available from the Council office and Grenfell Visitor Information Centre
- sending an email to before 7 June or
- by booking a time to see Claire and Clive at the Grenfell Community Hub before 7 June 2024.

We encourage all residents share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding these projects.

This survey will close on the 7th June 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Which village are you involved in?

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* 2. Do you live?

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Did you attend the community consultation session in your village?

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* 5. What would you like to see in your village with the 'Village Streetscape' funding?

There is $63,333 for each village (Caragabal, Quandialla and Greenethorpe) with this funding. This funding was awarded for General Community Amenity Projects and must be for projects that fit within guidelines.

Council received this round of funding to deliver improved and themed presentation of village streetscapes which will significantly enhance community, overall village amenity and visitation attraction.
The funds are to provide streetscape upgrades to the villages which includes welcoming infrastructure of tables/chairs, tree planting and ancillary works.

For this project, think about:
*What do you like / not like / wish to preserve or enhance in your villages current streetscape?
*Are there any specific areas you believe require immediate attention in terms of streetscape improvements?
*How often do you use the streetscape amenities such as parks, benches, etc.?
*What improvements or additions would make the streetscape more accessible and user-friendly for all community members, including those with disabilities?
*Are there any specific cultural or historical elements that you believe should be integrated into the streetscape design?
*What improvements would enhance safety such as fencing around the playground, removal of decaying trees etc.?
*How would you prioritize the allocation of resources for different streetscape enhancements (e.g., tables/chairs, fencing, information / story signage, public art)?
*Would you support the introduction of street furniture or amenities that encourage social interaction and community engagement (e.g., outdoor seating, community notice boards, park exercise equipment)?
*How do you envision the streetscape contributing to local businesses and economic vitality?
*Are there any concerns you have about potential disruptions or inconveniences during the implementation of streetscape improvements?

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* 6. What would you like to see in your village with the 'Strengthen Villages by enhancing sportsground / showground facilities and providing freedom camping areas' funding?

There is $100,000 for each village (Caragabal, Quandialla and Greenethorpe) with this funding. The project involves upgrading existing infrastructure to improve access to the village sports/showgrounds, installing new infrastructure (picnic /barbecue facilities, signage) and establishing freedom camping areas. Think of this as boosting the wellbeing of the villages communities by:
- Enhancing the sports/show grounds for local social, recreation and sporting use.
-Strengthening the appeal and functionality of the grounds and nearby community halls and other venues for local events;
-Providing a camping area for event attendees to stay overnight. For example, at Greenethorpe Iandra Castle hosts open-days; Caragabal hosts Sheep Races (500-800 attendees) and Camp Oven Cook Off (300-600 attendees) and Quandialla's Bland Hotel and Greenethorpe Solders Memorial Hall Committee both host entertainment events.
-Enabling event attendees to stay locally and spend money in village communities.
-Availability of camping will also increase the appeal of the grounds and nearby venues to potential venue hirers.

For this project, things to think about include:
*How often do you currently use the sportsground facilities in your community and what for?
* By providing better facilities do you think the community would better utilise these spaces?
*How important is it for the showground/sportsground facilities to include amenities such as seating areas and parking?
*Shifting focus to freedom camping areas, do you believe there is a need for such facilities in our communities?
*Do you have any concerns about potential impacts on the environment or surrounding neighbourhood from the enhancement of sportsground facilities and incorporating a freedom camping area? If so, what are they and what measures do you think could mitigate these concerns?
*What guidelines or regulations do you think should be implemented to govern the use of freedom camping areas and ensure they are used responsibly by visitors?
*How do you anticipate freedom camping areas contributing to the overall strength and resilience of our community? Could the community benefit your community in terms of tourism, economic development, or social cohesion?

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* 7. Are there any additional comments or suggestions you would like to share regarding these projects?

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* 8. What communication channels do you prefer for receiving updates and information about the projects?