v-WINter DUBAI Hot topics selection

v-WINter DUBAI project leads to the publication of a Consensus Document on evidence-based vein-lymphatic information, including met and unmet needs in the field. 
12 Chapters will include 10 hot topics each. 
In this survey we kindly ask you your perspective on which the hottest topics are among the ones proposed below, so to be included in the meeting discussions. Kindly reply not later than Jan 31. 
Thanking you for your time and effort, we wait for you in person in DUBAI https://vwinfoundation.com/vwinter-dubai-2022/ * or online with free registration https://vconnect.vwinfoundation.com and we remain at disposal (info@vwinfoundation.com)

*if you are interested in selected scientific references and hot topics report, visit the v-WINter DUBAI home page and click on the related buttons. 

Question Title

* 1. Please report your AGE

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* 2. Please report your GENDER

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* 3. Please report your NATION

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* 4. Please report your PROFESSION, including SPECIALTY if Medical Doctor

Question Title

* 5. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in vein-lymphatic  DISEASE BURDEN (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. racial differences in disease burden
  2. thrombosis as leading cause of preventable death
  3. lymphatic impact on venous edema
  4. under diagnosis of lymphedema in Phlebology offices
  5. under diagnosis of reflux in C1 patients
  6. 6 burden in different social contexts
  7. age related thrombotic risk
  8. PTS definition
  9. DVT recurrence prevention 
  10. venous thrombosis genetic predisposition

Question Title

* 6. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in vein-lymphatic DIAGNOSTICS (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. ultrasound report standardization
  2. perforating veins net flow
  3. treatment indications in case of no  ultrasound availability
  4. US surveillance in SVT
  5. Thrombosis scanning best protocol
  6. aged thrombus detection description
  7. waveforms indicating cardiology consult
  8. US timing after proximal vs distal thrombosis
  9. IVUS cost-effectiveness
  10. US lymphedema characterization

Question Title

* 7. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in SUPERFICIAL VENOUS PROCEDURES (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. reflux with no signs/symptoms indication to treatment
  2. homogeneity in the treatment study patients population 
  3. long follow-up data for SSV treatment 
  4. proper RCT in catheter injecting sclerotherapy
  5. proper RCT for steam ablation
  6. EGIT management
  7. homogenous study populations in saphenous sparing investigations
  8. thromboprophlyaxis protocols in varicose veins procedures
  9. post-procedural compression timing & dosing
  10. thromborpophylaxis in venous patients in covid time 

Question Title

* 8. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in DEEP VENOUS & MALFORMATIONS (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. obesity & deep reflux
  2. superficial venous treatment in deep reflux
  3. iliac vein stenting in obese patients
  4. iliac vein stenting with/without/only by IVUS
  5. optimal medical therapy after deep venous procedures
  6. popliteal vein aneurism thromboprophylaxis
  7. venous malformation surveillance timeline
  8. arterovenous malformations best imaging
  9. marginal vein best management 
  10. compression dosing & type for venous malformation

Question Title

* 9. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in PELVIC VENOUS DISORDERS  (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. venous reflux  role in pelvic pain
  2. multi-specialty & public pelvic vein awareness
  3. pelvic escape points role in symptomatology
  4. pelvic thrombosis association with venous reflux
  5. lifestyle habits facilitating pelvic refluxes
  6. periuterine vein plexus thrombosis detection
  7. best procedural pelvic treatment protocol
  8. pelvic venous reflux treatment complications management 
  9. real incidence of iliac/renal vein compression
  10. QoL measurement in pelvic venous disorders

Question Title

* 10. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in VENOUS THROMBOSIS (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. multi-specialty thrombotic risk assessment 
  2. re-assessment in suspected negative cases in covid time
  3. BMI & CVD cut off values for increased thrombotic risk 
  4. thrombophilia testing in DOAC  
  5. cancer screening in unprovoked thrombosis
  6. optimal treatment for SVT
  7. best candidate to CDT
  8. PMT large RCT
  9. Prophylaxis and treatment of VTE in high-risk patients
  10. outpatient setting selection in DVT management 

Question Title

* 11. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in VENOUS ULCER (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. mixed ulcer management
  2. ulcer ph & temperature assessment 
  3. patient mobility assessment 
  4. ulcer infection prevention 
  5. atypical ulcer management 
  6. post ulcer healing compression protocols
  7. vad role in ulcer healing
  8. advanced dressings real need and cost-effectiveness
  9. skin grafting & innovative therapies real value
  10. ulcer recurrence reduction methods

Question Title

* 12. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in VENOUS ACTIVE DRUGS (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. scientific societies role against not certified products
  2. MPFF in pelvic venous disorders
  3. sulodexide in ulcer prevention & CVD treatment protocols
  4. rutosides advantages
  5. calcium dobesilate safety 
  6. sax vs pentoxifylline in ulcer treatment 
  7. topical products false claims 
  8. medical honey cost-effectiveness
  9. false claims in supplements and food products for vein-lymphatic 
  10. VAD dose & timing adjustment 

Question Title

* 13. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in GRADUATED COMPRESSION  (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. scientific societies role against not certified products
  2. strategies to increase health professional compression education
  3. strategies to increase patient education in compression
  4. compression in healthy subjects
  5. compression dose & type in different disease stages
  6. post deep venous procedures compression protocol
  7. interface pressure clinical impact
  8. adjustable compression wrap different brands performance
  9. IPC validated timing and dosing
  10. compression in lymphangitis

Question Title

* 14. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in LYMPHEDEMA / LIPEDEMA  (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. veno-lymphatic pathophysiology interconnection
  2. lymphedema risk management 
  3. lymphedema early detection
  4. CDP standardization need
  5. lower limb RCT on different surgical options
  6. lower limb validated physical activity for lymphedema prevention
  7. challenges in lymphedema diagnosis & staging
  8. ultrasound lip edema characteristics
  9. graduated compression in lip edema
  10. cost-effective protocols for lymphedema or lipedema 

Question Title

* 15. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in SCLEROTHERAPY + AESTHETICS  (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. sclerotherapy in covid time safety
  2. compounded vs device generated foam
  3. foam relative contraindications
  4. hyperpigmentation management 
  5. sclerotherapy periprocedural management 
  6. <1 mm veins best treatment 
  7. laser induced pigmentation management 
  8. evidence based role of carboxy/ozone therapy
  9. RF validation in C1
  10. false claims in aesthetic Phlebology 

Question Title

* 16. Please rate from 1 to 10 the hottest topics in LIFESTYLE  (1 is the hottest, 10 is the less hot).

  1. standardized risk factors report in vein-lymphatic assessment 
  2. transdermal patch, injectable & vaginal ring thrombosis-embolic risk
  3. supplements false claims
  4. validated diet for vein-lymphatic management 
  5. different sports impact on veins & lymphatic
  6. graduated stockings performance in occupational & sport settings
  7. travel thrombotic risk
  8. proper RCT on Neuro-electrical-stimulation
  9. aquatic protocols for vein-lymphatic patients
  10. scientific organizations role against false claims in phlebo-lymphology