TRUE vein-lymphatic Experts project survey

Fake-news-free communication
(for vein-lymphatic Experts)

In this survey we kindly ask you to provide your insight in venous-lymphatic fake-news-free communication, in multi-specialty collaboration and in public venous-lymphatic awareness. The results of this survey will  be presented in the context of the multi-lingual consensus document on evidence-based venous-lymphatic communication (, to be delivered on Feb 3-5, 2022, during the Health Week of the Universal Expo, at the v-WINter DUBAI 10th international interuniversity meeting in Phlebology, Lymphology and Aesthetics (
Your contribution will be anonymous unless you require to appear among the contributors. 
A registration and flight stipend to attend the v-WINter DUBAI meeting will be given as educational contest raffle prize among all the ones who will have filled in the survey. 
Thanking you for your time and effort in teamworking for proper venous-lymphatic education, we remain at your full disposal (
1.Please report your AGE
2.Please report your GENDER
3.Please report your NATION
4.Please report your MEDICAL SPECIALTY
5.Have you ever noticed TV commercials reporting potential fake communication on venous-lymphatic disease remedies ?
6.Have you ever noticed RADIO commercials reporting potential fake communication on venous-lymphatic disease remedies ?
7.Have you ever noticed MAGAZINE commercials reporting potential fake communication on venous-lymphatic disease remedies ?
8.In your country, how strong is the collaboration between GENERAL PRACTITIONERS and vein-lymphatic Experts for proper vein-lymphatic care advancement?
9.In your country, how strong is the collaboration between GYNAECOLOGISTS and vein-lymphatic Experts for proper pelvic venous disorder care advancement?
10.In your country, how strong is the collaboration betwee ORTHOPAEDICS and vein-lymphatic Experts for proper venous thrombosis-embolism care advancement?
11.In your country do you feel patients are well informed about the difference between certified and not certified GRADUATED COMPRESSION STOCKINGS ?
12.In your country do you feel patients are well informed about the difference between validated VENOUS ACTIVE DRUGS and food supplements ?
13.In your country do you feel public venous awareness is
14.In your country do you feel public lymphatic awareness is