The Weekly Genealogist Survey, August 4, 2021
Did any of your ancestors work in a restaurant? (Please choose all that apply)
Yes, at least one of my ancestors owned a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors managed a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a chef or cook in a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a waiter or waitress in a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a host or hostess in a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a dishwasher or busboy/busgirl in a restaurant.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked at a restaurant in a capacity not mentioned above.
No, I am not aware of any of my ancestors working in a restaurant.
I work (or worked) in a restaurant.
I don’t know.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered