The Weekly Genealogist Survey, July 26, 2023
Did your parents, grandparents, or earlier ancestors have a regular tradition of taking nature-oriented vacations? Choose all that apply. (Please note that a future survey will ask about youth sleepaway camps.)
Yes, at least one of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking a vacation that involved camping in tents.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking a vacation that involved staying in rustic cabins.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking a vacation that involved staying in a camper or trailer.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking a vacation at a dude ranch, nature retreat, or an nature-oriented family camp.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking a nature-oriented vacation of a type not mentioned above.
I have or had a regular tradition of taking nature-oriented vacations.
No, I don’t believe any of my ancestors had a regular tradition of taking nature-oriented vacations.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered