The Weekly Genealogist Survey, June 21, 2023
Did any of your ancestors have a job that primarily consisted of driving a motor vehicle? Choose all that apply.
At least one of my ancestors drove a taxi.
At least one of my ancestors drove a city bus.
At least one of my ancestors drove a long-distance bus.
At least one of my ancestors drove a school bus.
At least one of my ancestors drove a local or long-haul delivery van or truck.
At least one of my ancestors drove an ambulance, fire truck, or other emergency vehicle.
At least one of my ancestors drove a mail truck.
At least one of my ancestors was a highway patrolman or other law enforcement officer who worked primarily from a motor vehicle.
At least one of my ancestors drove a motor vehicle in the military.
At least one of my ancestors was a driving instructor or administered driving tests.
At least one of my ancestors had job not mentioned above that primarily consisted of driving a motor vehicle.
I have or had a job that primarily consisted of driving a motor vehicle.
None of my ancestors had a job that consisted primarily of driving a motor vehicle.