The Weekly Genealogist Survey, February 14, 2024
This week's survey asks about your ancestors' experiences with love and marriage. Choose all that apply.
At least one of my ancestors had an arranged marriage.
At least one of my ancestors had a broken engagement.
At least one of my ancestors had a fiancé or spouse who was killed in a war.
At least one of my ancestors had a spouse who died within six months of their wedding day.
At least one of my ancestors died within six months of a spouse's death.
At least one of my ancestors was involved in a bigamous marriage.
At least one of my ancestors was married more than three times.
At least one of my ancestors was reunited with a long-lost love.
At least one of my ancestors was married 60 years or more.
At least one of my ancestors had a significant long-term romantic partnership that did not include marriage.
None of my ancestors fit into any of the categories mentioned above.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered