The Weekly Genealogist Survey, December 21, 2022
If you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, how has your typical celebration of the holiday been influenced by previous generations? (More than one answer may be selected.)
I serve foods and/or drinks that are traditional in my family.
I have decorations and artifacts (ornaments, nativity sets, menorahs, dreidels) from previous generations.
I observe some holiday customs that previous generations of my family originated.
I observe some holiday customs that are rooted in my family's ethnic heritage.
I reminisce and share stories about previous generations.
I give gifts related to our family history.
I display or look at photos (or home movies/videos) of previous generations celebrating.
I travel/have traveled to ancestral towns or countries as part of my holiday celebrations.
I celebrate in a way not mentioned above.
I celebrate a winter holiday other than/in addition to Christmas or Hanukkah.
I do not celebrate any winter holidays.
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