The Weekly Genealogist Survey, November 6, 2024
Did any of your ancestors have a role in providing lodging? Choose all that apply.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors owned an inn.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked in an inn.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors owned a hotel or motel.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked at a hotel or motel.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors owned seasonal tourist accommodations, such as camps, cottages, or cabins.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked at seasonal tourist accommodations, such as camps, cottages, or cabins.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors owned a boardinghouse.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked in a boardinghouse.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors took in boarders.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors provided lodging in a way not mentioned above.
No, I don’t think any of my ancestors had a role in providing lodging.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered