The Weekly Genealogist Survey, January 25, 2023
Did any of your ancestors work for a school or school system? Choose all that apply.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a teacher.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school librarian.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school guidance counselor.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school nurse.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school sports coach or in the school athletic department.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school custodian or on the maintenance staff.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school bus driver.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school crossing guard.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked in the school cafeteria.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school secretary or office worker.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors was a school principal or administrator.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors worked for a school or school system in a role not mentioned above.
I work (or worked) for a school or school system.
No, I don’t think any of my ancestors worked for a school or school system.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered