Tree Giveaway Online Training

Trees are available for eligible community organizations such as places of worship, non-profits, small businesses, schools, and other types of organizations providing a community benefit. Community organizations may receive up to 20 trees.

The first half of the application will consist of a short online training. The application, including the training, should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Your progress will not be saved if you leave the application before submitting - please plan to complete it in one sitting! The final date to submit an application is August 18th.
I. Why Plant a Tree

Planting trees has direct health, environmental, and financial benefits for you and your neighborhood. Mature trees provide shade in the summer, lowering temperatures and cooling bills. They filter out air pollution, provide food and habitat for wildlife, limit stormwater runoff, and improve water quality. Tree planting is an easy, affordable way to help the environment and bring beauty to your home and your community.

This online tree planting course will help you choose the right tree for your space and how to plant and care for your tree to give it the best odds of survival.

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