In recent times, our industry has faced unprecedented challenges due to the disruptions at Transnet, significantly affecting the cargo transport systems, including both ports and rail operations. As a leading freight publication, we are committed to understanding the depth and breadth of these impacts on businesses like yours, which are the backbone of our economy.

We are conducting this survey to gather insights into how these troubles have affected your operations, financial health, and strategic decisions. Your experiences and responses will not only help us to compile a detailed report on the current situation but also enable us to advocate for necessary improvements and support from relevant stakeholders.

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and we assure you that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purposes of this report.

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* 1. Personal details

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* 2. Impact on Operations: How have the recent troubles at Transnet affected your day-to-day operations? Please specify any disruptions in cargo transport via ports and rail systems.

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* 3. Financial Implications: What financial impact, if any, have you experienced due to the disruptions at Transnet? This can include increased costs, lost revenue, or any unforeseen expenses.

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* 4. Adaptation Strategies: What strategies or alternative measures have you implemented to mitigate the impact of Transnet's troubles on your business? Examples might include using alternative transport methods, adjusting supply chains, or changing delivery schedules.

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* 5. Communication and Support: How would you rate the communication and support from Transnet during this period? Have you received adequate information and assistance to manage the disruptions?

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* 6. Future Outlook and Preparedness: Based on your experience, what changes or improvements would you like to see from Transnet to better handle such situations in the future? Additionally, how has this experience influenced your preparedness for similar disruptions?