
What matters most to you in your religious and spiritual life? What would you like to uphold to the community as important as we begin to evolve our ministries? As we consider the possibilities for what comes next for the Community of Christ in Australia, we are taking time to reflect on our church experiences, values and everyday life today, as well as seeking any ideas you already have about new expressions of ministry and mission. 
In this survey you will find 50 questions related to five (5) big themes, and we will also ask you to nominate your preferred area to explore further in small working groups and any people that you think we should talk to who may not already be part of this discussion. We value a variety of opinions, so please share this widely.
So, the pages you will go through are: 
1. Individual spiritual growth
2. Well-developed leaders
3. Engaging and relevant forms of ministry
4. Meaningful connection in community
5. Sustainable organisation
6. Next steps: working group preference/s and connection ideas
What to expect: On average the survey will take about 30-40 minutes to complete. Some questions are multiple choice or check boxes to indicate all that apply, while many are open-ended and seeking your input. There are 51 questions in all, with 23 requiring an answer, and a short separate section for priesthood.

 To give you time to think and prepare your responses, we are providing a PDF copy of the survey here. You can work your way through it, taking time for prayer & reflection. When you are ready, come back and do the online survey. 
Deadline: We would appreciate your response by 30 November, but will keep it open through the end of December so we can collect responses from as many people as possible.
Submitting your response: To allow you to return and edit the survey until you complete it, we have limited the survey to only 1 person per device.  You can go away and think about it, and then return to continue the survey and keep updating it.  IF there are more than one person in your household, you will need a different device for person #2 and so on. Another option is for person #2+ to fill in the Word version and email it to the team.  
Privacy: Any information shared with us will be treated confidentially. All responses are aggregated and de-identified for any summary notes and will only used for the purpose of the transforming ministry and mission project.
Anonymity: It is possible to complete this survey anonymously. There are a couple of places where we will ask for contact information but you will be given an option each time for an alternative so that your survey can be anonymous if so desired.    
Share the survey: You can share the survey with friends and others who you think would appreciate the chance to be heard and part of this process or who you would like to hear from.
  • Survey link:
  • Printed form: download PDF | download Word doc
  • Australia post. If you would like us