In the fourth week, we started to design our own training module. Please answer the questions below to demonstrate your mastery of this week's tasks.

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* 1. Provide a link to the GitHub Pages view of your fork of the cytoscape-tutorials repo.
Hint: it should look something like this: https://***

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* 2. If you commit and push changes to your fork, does it change the content at

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* 3. Which tag is used to define an individual slide?

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* 4. If you make a change that should be copied back to the original (e.g., fixing a typo), what should you do?

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* 5. Based on the presentation module templates and examples, module.html contains which of the following... (choose all that apply)

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* 6. Based on the presentation module templates and examples, index.html contains which of the following... (choose all that apply)

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* 7. Based on the overall presentation template and examples, which file do you reference as data-external when pulling in an existing module?

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* 8. Provide a link to your new module outline slide.
Hint: it should look something like this: https://******/index.html#

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* 9. How much of this week's material was new to you?

None of it was new Half of it was new All of it was new

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* 10. How much time did you spend with this week's material?

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* 11. Let us know who you are if you plan to complete the program: