In the first week, we got familiar with the latest training materials for Cytoscape using reveal.js and the associated GitHub repos. Please answer the questions below to demonstrate your mastery of this week's tasks.

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* 1. When giving a reveal.js presentation, which key toggles an overview of all slides?

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* 2. Which key navigates to the next slide within a module?

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* 3. Which key displays a pop up for speaker notes?

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* 4. Can modules of slides can be inserted and reused in more than one presentation?

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* 5. Say you want to make a set of slides detailing the steps to perform a generic task in Cytoscape that might be useful for many workflows (e.g., import tabular data). Which type of training material should you build (assuming it doesn't already exist in the repo)?

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* 6. Paste the URL for the GitHub repo directory that contains protocol modules:

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* 7. Paste the URL for the GitHub repo directory that contains tutorial R scripts:

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* 8. How much of this week's material was new to you?

None of it was new Half of it was new All of it was new

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* 9. How much time did you spend with this week's material?

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* 10. Let us know who you are if you're interested in certification: