Thank you for completing this survey. Your responses help us to provide grants and resources to libraries in Washington State. This is a year three-year grant, and this evaluation is for the first year.

Question Title

* 1. Which library/library system are you reporting for?

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* 2. What type of library do you work for?

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* 3. Which Online Tracking Service did you use?

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* 4. I am satisfied that this resource supported by the Washington State Library met library needs.

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* 5. This resource supported by the Washington State Library helped improve services to the public.

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* 6. Describe how you have used your Online Tracking service so far. How has it helped patrons engage with the library? How have you integrated it into your programs? Please be specific and detailed!

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* 7. What challenges did you have in using Online Tracking at your library? Do you have ideas for how you'd change how you use it in the future?

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* 8. Do you plan to/have you used your Online Tracking service for non-summer related programming or projects? How are you using it for non-summer related projects, or how are you planning to?

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* 9. What other feedback about the Online Tracking service grant do you want us to know?