Your input is invited to inform the Torbay Catchment Group on how best to help protect and improve where you live!

So please tell us what you love in the catchment, anything you are concerned about, what you are already doing to help and what catchment activities you might be interested to be involved with. 

The updated catchment plan will be looking at Water Care, Sustainable Landuse, Habitat and Biodiversity Repair, Valuing our Coasts, and Building Our Community.

Fill it out here now!  Or download here and email or print and send to the catchment coordinator Pip Tillbrook 0439 461 591 PO Box 1900 Albany WA 6331.

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. What aspect/s of Torbay catchment care is/are your passion?

Question Title

* 2. What do you love/value about where you live? (Please describe up to 3 values of where you live) 

Question Title

* 3. What concerns you about the current condition and future threats to where you live? Please tick the six issues below of most concern to you.

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* 4. Why are you concerned about these issues above?

Question Title

* 5. How could the Torbay Catchment Group best help the community with catchment management?

Question Title

* 6. How would you like to be more involved in the Torbay Catchment Group and their activities?

Question Title

* 7. What do you do on your property?

Question Title

* 8. Gender?

Question Title

* 9. What is your age group?

Torbay Catchment Group is seeking your input!  Please attend one of our workshops:

7 June, 6 to 8pm, South Coast Progress Hall, Little Grove

14 June, 6 to 8pm, Torbay Hall, Torbay

Food will be provided. Please contact Pip Tilbrook on 0439 461 591 or or