Topics and Trends Newsletter Survey Question Title * 1. How satisfied were you with the Topics and Trends Newsletter? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Question Title * 2. How relevant did you find the subject matter to be? Very relevant Relevant Somewhat relevant Not relevant Question Title * 3. Was the Topics and Trends newsletter an appropriate length/amount of information? There was too much information There was a perfect amount of information There was some good information, but it was kind of long There was not enough information Question Title * 4. Is the Topics and Trends newsletter something you found helpful and will look for in the future? Yes, it was helpful and informative. I will refer to it in the future. No, there was no information that helped me. I won't read the newsletter in the future. Question Title * 5. Please list any specific topics you would like to see covered in future Topics & Trends newsletters: Done