Question Title

* 1. Please rank the sections of the Faculty Toolkit Writing Guide in terms of the most often used (1) to the least often used (5).

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* 2. What is helpful for you about the Faculty Toolkit Writing Guide section?

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* 3. What would you like to changed or added to the Faculty Toolkit Writing Guide section?

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* 4. Please offer any info/comments that will help us improve the Faculty Toolkit Writing Guide.  Optional: Feel free to leave your name and contact info if you'd like.

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* 5. If you have materials you'd like to share with others and contribute to the toolkit, please send it to

Thank you so much for your feedback!  We will be checking this periodically and make adjustments to the Toolkit, so please feel free to continue providing your feedback to us.  Tell us how we can support you more effectively!    Tammy Hopps and Cassie Sampson :-)