
To better help us understand the direction for the community of Tobiano, we would like you to tell us about your neighbourhood and your vision for the future!

This survey is available to all Tobiano residents and property owners. Survey results will help prepare us for future community consultation by hearing your concerns and priorities. Your opinions are important and will help us create improved zoning and OCP policies that are reflective of your community vision.

For more information, please visit:, or contact the TNRD at or 250-377-8673.

Privacy Notice:
Any personal information collected by the TNRD in this survey under section 26 (c) and (e) of the Freedom and Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA), for the purpose of planning or evaluating TNRD services. The TNRD will protect your information from unauthorized use or disclosure in accordance with FIPPA and our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.

If you have questions regarding the collection and handling of personal information, please contact:

TNRD Corporate and Legislative Services
Tel.: 250-377-6281
Mail: 300-465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2A9