Texas Master Naturalist Statewide Curriculum - Errata Survey

Help us collect errors or areas of update needed in the current edition. Please share any errors or update suggestions in the linked survey below. Note - it's vital that you share page and paragraph information to help us find these areas of edit need.
*If you have additional errors/updates, please submit each of those as an additional response to this survey.*
1.Contact Name
2.Email Address
To help us locate these errors or update needs, please be precise with the location of the text that needs to be reviewed. The Page, Column and Paragraph numbers below should reference the 2016 Hard Copy physical book. 
3.Page Number
5.Paragraph Number
6.Please describe the error or update need and provide what the new information, update or revised sentence should be.
*If you have additional errors/updates, please submit each of those as an additional response to this survey.*