Schedule below for your reference / Scroll down for survey


8 a.m.
Mike Dawson, VP Single Family, Freddie Mac 

9:20 a.m.
-City/County Rules and Regs and How they Effect the MH Community / Laci Ehlers, McLean & Howard LLP
-The Big 5+ of Social Media and How to Use Them in Your Business - Retail Focused / J.R. Atkins, Something Different Companies
-Show Me the Money - How to best position your park for financing and what debt sources are available / Carl Pankratz, NorthMarq Capital

10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
-Community Management Best Practices / Maria Horton, Newport Pacific
-BOOM.... The Next 10 Years and Beyond in MH / Ken Corbin, Call Ken Corbin
-MHC Valuation & Market Trends / Casey Thom and Bob McBroom, Sunstone Real Estate Advisors
11:20 a.m. – 12 p.m.
-The Big 5+ of Social Media and How to Use Them in Your Business - Community Focused / J.R. Atkins, Something Different Companies
-MH Communities and Eviction / Jack Skaggs, Jackson Walker LLP
-Due Diligence in Acquisitions of Communities / Steve Edel, Due Diligence Partners

12 p.m.
Lunch with Keynote Speaker Dr. John Baen, Professor of Real Estate at UNT

1:40 p.m. – 2:25 p.m.
-Top Tips When Buying and Selling Communities / Frank Rolfe, CEO, Mobile Home University
-Federal MH Update / Dr. Lesli Gooch, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs & Chief Lobbyist, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

1:40 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.
-Negotiation Techniques and De-escalation Tips / Doug Noll, JD MA | Mediator, Author, Speaker
-Sales, Management and Leadership Training / Tim Connor, President, Connor Resource Group

3:20 p.m.
Closing Session: Trailer Park Economics / Dr. Charlie Becker, Research Professor of Economics Duke University

Question Title

* 1. Overall, were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the 2018 Convention?

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* 2. How convenient or inconvenient was the location of the DFW area for this year's Convention?

Question Title

* 3. Do you like having the event on a Monday?  Is there a day you think would work better?

Question Title

* 4. Did you like having both a lunch and breakfast keynote speaker this year?

Question Title

* 5. How convenient is having Convention in mid-September for you/your business?

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the quality of the education at the event?

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* 7. What was the biggest factor that made you attend this year?

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* 8. What single idea or experience did you like the most (feel free to write in your own answer)?

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* 9. What do you think was the best part of Convention?

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* 10. Who was your favorite speaker? Did you have a least favorite speaker?

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* 11. What do you think was the worst part of Convention?

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* 12. If you had topics for a future event that you wish we would cover, what would that be?

Question Title

* 13. Please enter your name and email if you would like to be entered into the drawing for $100 cash!  (Your info and answers are confidential.)