Cost of Living
Is cost of living an issue for you right now?
Yes, I'm having trouble covering most costs
Yes, I'm having trouble covering some costs
No, I'm getting by ok
No, I'm very comfortable
Other (please specify)
Which of these costs are you struggling to cover? Select all that apply.
Food such as groceries
Food such as takeaways/meals out
University course costs (e.g. books, equipment)
Technology costs (e.g. phone, laptop)
Public transportation costs (e.g. bus, train)
Personal transportation costs (e.g. petrol, car parking)
Nights out with my friends
Events and activities
Society membership fees
Costs for my children/dependents
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Have you experienced difficulty in finding affordable housing near your campus?
Yes, and I am paying more than I expected
Yes, and I am living further away than I expected
Yes, but I found appropriate housing eventually
Yes, and I didn't find housing
No, I live on campus
No, I found housing easily
No, I live at home
Other (please specify)
None of the above
If money is short, what would you cut out of your budget? Select all that apply.
Food such as groceries
Food such as takeaways/meals out
University course costs (e.g. books, equipment)
Technology costs (e.g. phone, laptop)
Public transportation costs (e.g. bus, train)
Personal transportation costs (e.g. petrol, car parking)
Nights out with my friends
Events and activities
Society membership fees
Costs for my children/dependents
Takeaway Coffee/Drinks
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Do you work to cover the costs of your studies?
Yes, full-time hours
Yes, part-time hours (20-30 pw)
Yes, part-time hours (10-20 pw)
Yes, part-time hours (less than 10 pw)
Other (please specify)
Does your income support anyone else? Select all that apply.
My partner
Child(ren) under 18
Child(ren) over 18
An elderly relative (including parents)
A disabled relative
A friend/housemate
A neighbour or other person who relies on me
I don't work
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Are you a final year undergrad? You are currently eligible to take the NSS and give more feedback on your time at university. You should find an invitation in your university email, and there is even a chance to win a cash prize!
Current Progress,
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