Thank you for showing your interest in joining Tikanga a Rangahau - the Māori Research & Ethics Council.

Tikanga a Rangahau was established to support the research of Te Tira Whakamātaki, to develop resources that support Māori communities with their research and or their engagement with research agencies, and provide commentary on the state of the Māori research, science and investment sector. Tikanga a Rangahau operate under the auspices of Te Tira Whakamātaki.

Please answer the questions found in this form to the best of your ability to submit your expression of interest. To help with the selection process, all questions must be answered.

Note that the answers you submit will not be shared with anyone other than the selection panel and Board of Te Tira Whakamātaki. If you have any questions or are having difficulty completing the form please email Tikanga a Rangahau secretariat at

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out your contact details

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* 2. Tikanga a Rangahau will be comprised of members from different membership categories. Please select the one that best describes you. 

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* 3. In the text box below, please describe your experience working with Indigenous communities/groups as it relates to research.

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* 4. Please describe your familiarity with research ethics best practice processes, tikanga, mātauranga, and kaupapa Māori, or other Indigenous practices pertaining to research (provide examples in your answer)

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* 5. Please describe your communication skills, particularly your ability to translate technical information and knowledge for a non-technical audience (provide examples and/or links in your answer).

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* 6. Please describe and provide examples of any collaboration skills you have, including active listening, facilitation, conscientiousness, and tolerance for working in a relatively fluid environment.

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* 7. Ultimately, why do you want to be part of Tikanga a Rangahau? Answer in the space below.

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* 8. I can commit to monthly hui, at least 6 per year.

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* 9. If selected, I am able to commit to being on the Tikanga a Rangahau from January 2023 to December 2024

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* 10. From time to time, the Tikanga a Rangahau may be asked to look at research from organizations other than Te Tira Whakamātaki. Do you agree to this?

Note that this aspect of this work is not guaranteed and would be part of the work involved in the monthly meetings. 

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* 11. Are there any other aspects or considerations that the selection panel should consider when assessing your application? If so, please describe them below.

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* 12. Please upload any documents you believe will support your application (note that this is optional).

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application form. The selection panel will consider all applications and contact those successful via email. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

Click 'done' to submit your application.