"Do not take lightly small good deeds,
Believing they can hardly help
For drops of water, one by one,
In time can fill a giant pot."
Patrul Rinpoche

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* 1. How did you find out about the Tibetan Nuns Project?

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* 4. How important is our mission to you?

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* 5. After you have provided for your loved ones, would you consider leaving a gift in your Will to The Tibetan Nuns Project?

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* 6. If you answered no, or if you are unsure, would you mind telling us what prevents you from considering a gift in your will at this time?

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* 7. Are you interested in receiving more information on how to leave a gift to The Tibetan Nuns Project in your will?

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* 8. How clearly does The Tibetan Nuns Project explain how your contributions are spent?

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* 9. How would you prefer to get information from The Tibetan Nuns Project? Please check all that apply.

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* 10. We support over 800 nuns in India through our sponsorship program. Would you consider becoming a sponsor of a nun at less than $1 a day?

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* 14. How can we improve your experience? Please share any feedback, comments or suggestions.

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* 15. Please share your story with us. I support the Tibetan Nuns Project because:

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* 16. May we share your words about The Tibetan Nuns Project in our publications?