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Small businesses need big help. Are you part of the solution?

There are 583 million small businesses globally.

They account for 60% to 70% of all jobs, and over 55% of global GDP. That means over $55 Trillion is generated by small businesses.
That doesn't seem small to us.
If you think small is big, like we do, and you can help small businesses to grow to the next level, we want you

If you are a founder, who doesn't know where to turn for advice and knowledge, we want to help you.

We're building a unique consultancy designed around our eQuo community. One that provides small businesses with the support and solutions they need in order to thrive.

This means being available for 1 or 2 hour consultations, or short term commitments, in order to assist small businesses by removing barriers, and providing strategies and tactics to improve their business.

This isn't employment, but rather a consortium of the best minds who understand how to think small. It is a solution built for small businesses, and the founders who are the backbone of our economy and society.

If you are someone who can assist founders in understanding what they need to do, and how they need to do it, in order to get to the next level, apply below to be part of the small consultancy.

If you are a founder, let us know how we can help you.

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* 1. I'd like to be part of the small consultancy as...

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* 2. What is your motivation to be part of the small consultancy?

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* 3. For consultants, what makes you the right person for small businesses?

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* 4. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get to some details.

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* 5. How would you like to use the small consultancy?

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* 6. Can you provide the following...

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* 7. Where do you need help (clients), or where can you provide help (consultants)? Select all that apply.

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* 8. For consultants, tell us about your background in the areas above. What certifications, experience or other qualifications allow you to help small businesses?

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* 9. What else should we know about you?

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