Wellbeing Quiz How are you feeling? Question Title * 1. Which of the following describes you best? I am currently very anxious about coronavirus I am currently quite anxious about coronavirus I don't feel at all anxious I am slightly anxious but it is manageable OK Question Title * 2. How would you rate your health in general? Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent OK Question Title * 3. Can you do everything you want to do physically? No, my health stops me from doing everything I want to do Yes, some of the time Yes, most of the time Yes, all of the time OK Question Title * 4. In the last three months, how many times have you visited your GP, in person or via telephone appointment? More than 3 times 3 2 1 0 OK Question Title * 5. In the last three months, how many times have you used another health service? I.e. nurse visit, hospital appointment, etc More than 3 3 2 1 0 OK Question Title * 6. How many different types of medication do you take on a daily basis? More than 5 4 3 2 1 0 OK Question Title * 7. How many days do you usually do some exercise on a normal week? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OK Question Title * 8. Do you usually sleep well? No Yes, sometimes Yes, mostly Yes, always OK Question Title * 9. How many times in the last two weeks have you felt angry? Most days A lot A bit Not much Not at all OK Question Title * 10. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale. The next questions are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please tick the box that best describes your experience of each over the last two weeks.How often have you been feeling optimistic about the future? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 11. How often have you been feeling useful? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 12. How often have you been feeling relaxed? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 13. How often have you been feeling interested in other people? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 14. How often have you had energy to spare? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 15. How often have you been dealing with problems well? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 16. How often have you been thinking clearly? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 17. How often have you been feeling good about yourself? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 18. How often have you been feeling close to other people? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 19. How often have you been feeling confident? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 20. How often have you been feeling able to make up your own mind about things? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 21. How often have you been feeling loved? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 22. How often have you been feeling interested in new things? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time OK Question Title * 23. How often have you been feeling cheerful? None of the time Rarely Some of the time Often All of the time Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) © NHS Health Scotland,The University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh, 2006, all rights reserved. OK Question Title * 24. Please tick which of the following are true for you? Please tick all that apply. I get out of the house as much as I want to I keep in touch with friends and family I am not lonely There is always someone I can talk to about my day to day problems There are many people I can trust completely I am content with my friendships and relationships None of the above apply to me OK DONE