This questionnaire was developed by IATA with the purpose of creating a benchmark survey on the global maintenance technicians skills shortage. This survey is sent to gather insights on the different strategies across different airlines and MROs. The data will be de-identified, and will help IATA understand the airlines and MROs’ efforts in solving the aviation skills shortage and to develop a coherent strategy to address this concern.
We thank you for your support.
The survey is open till  31 October 2018.
Section 1: Background
For the purpose of this document, the term "Technicians" is inclusive of all aircraft maintenance technicians, mechanics and engineers.
Please notice that all questions marked with a * is mandatory.

Question Title

* 1. Contact person

Question Title

* 2. In which region do you operate? (select all applicable)

Question Title

* 3. What is your number of licensed maintenance technicians per category?

Question Title

* 4. What is your number of not licensed maintenance technicians per category?

Question Title

* 5. What is the forecasted number of maintenance technician retirements in your organization in the next 3 years?

Question Title

* 6. What is the forecasted number of maintenance technician retirements in your organization in the next 6 years?

Question Title

* 7. What is the forecasted number of new maintenance technician hires in the next 3 years?

Question Title

* 8. What is the forecasted number of new maintenance technician hires in your organization in the next 6 years?

Question Title

* 9. Has your airline/MRO formulated a strategy to address the hiring of new maintenance technicians?

Question Title

* 10. If yes, please provide the details. (select all applicable)

Section 2: Attraction and Retention

Question Title

* 11. How would you rate your level of ease in attracting the suitable candidates (the ones you want to recruit and retain in your airline/MRO) per category?

  Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Not applicable
Licensed technicians
Not licensed technicians

Question Title

* 12. If you have answered Difficult or Very difficult, can you tell us why? (select all applicable)

  Licensed technicians Not licensed technicians
Lack of candidates
Bad quality of the training standard at licensing level
Low maintenance expertise
Non-relevant previous maintenance experience (e.g. specialized operation)
Lack of Approved Maintenance Training Organizations (AMTOs) of quality
Language proficiency deficiencies
Greater perceived opportunities at other aviation organizations
Greater perceived opportunities at other non aviation organizations
Perceived lack of job security/growth
Section 3: Selection 

Question Title

* 13. Please select all the elements that are part of your screening and selection process of maintenance technician candidates:

Question Title

* 14. Among the pool of candidates screened, what is the employment selection success rate per category? (approximate percentage)

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate the quality of the selection process that you use?

  Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality Not applicable
Licensed technicians
Not licensed technicians
Section 4: Licensing Training

Question Title

* 16. Do you experience any licensing training capacity limitations at the AMTO level? (AMTO: Approved Maintenance Training Organization)

  Yes No
Basic license
Type-rated license

Question Title

* 17. If yes, please specify the reason for the limitation (select all applicable)

Question Title

* 18. Based on the above limitations, what percentage of technicians needed can not be trained?

Question Title

* 19. Do you provide in-house training programs?

Question Title

* 20. If yes, please select all applicable

Question Title

* 21. Do you have partnerships with external training organizations?

Question Title

* 22. If you have answered A, how satisfied are you with the performance standard of the technicians, trained by the AMTO, who join your airline/MRO?

Question Title

* 23. If you have answered B, and you hire self-sponsored technicians, how satisfied are you with the performance standard of the technicians trained by the independent AMTO who join your airline/MRO?

Question Title

* 24. From your experience, what kind of element is necessary to ensure that candidates from the AMTO meet the airlines/MROs' qualification requirements?

Section 5: Regulatory

Question Title

* 25. Does your national airworthiness authority recognize maintenance licensing from another national airworthiness authority?

Question Title

* 26. Do you consider that there is a gap between the licensing requirements and your airline/MRO's performance standards? (e.g. lack of maintenance expertise)

Question Title

* 27. If yes, how is it a barrier to becoming a:

Question Title

* 28. In your opinion, do your national airworthiness regulations contain unnecessary requirements contributing to technician shortage? (e.g., technician qualifications)

Question Title

* 29. If yes, please specify.

Question Title

* 30. According to your regulations, what is the minimum experience requirements (in years) to become a:

Question Title

* 31. What is the retirement age in your legislation or regulation?

Question Title

* 32. What is the average retirement age in your airline/MRO?

Question Title

* 33. What role do you think IATA could play to best help your airline/MRO address technician shortage? Please explain.