We need your input. We have a unique opportunity from the State on an annual basis to fund start up activities related to the development of community resources. These resources may include but are not limited to: Affordable Housing, Mental Health Services and Supports, Training, Employment, Specialized Dental Services, and Early Intervention.

We are seeking your input to assist in prioritizing our development activities.
Please complete this 3 minute survey to give input for development planning. A list of TCRC community resource development priorities will be posted on our website annually.

Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your relationship to Tri-Counties Regional Center:

Question Title

* 2. Please rank in order of importance what you think are the most urgent needs with the #1 indicating the most important

Question Title

* 3. If there is a Community Need not stated in the previous question, please describe it here. If there are none, please state N/A.