Thank you for your participation in a time2talk Leadership workshop. We are always trying to improve our programs and kindly ask if you could please rate your experience by completing the following brief survey.

Question Title

1. Please provide your details below:

Question Title

2. Workshop attended:

On a scale of 1 - 5, with '1' being the lowest (negative) rating and '5' being the highest (positive) rating, please answer the following questions.

Question Title

3. Feedback on the workshop

  1 (Lowest) 2 3 4 5 (Highest)
The workshop was of value to me
The content was relevant and beneficial to my role
The workshop was well structured
The workshop was a good mix of practice and theory
I will take away practical actions from this workshop

Question Title

4. Feedback on the Facilitator

  1 (Lowest) 2 3 4 5 (Highest)
The workshop was paced suitably for me
The facilitator was experienced in the subject matter
I felt comfortable asking questions
The workshop was professional and focused
The facilitator was prepared and ready

Question Title

5. Overall were you satisfied with the workshop?

Question Title

6. How likely is it that you would recommend time2talk leadership and communication to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

7. What I liked most about the workshop was.....

Question Title

8. Any recommended improvements?

Question Title

9. Do you have any further comments about time2talk Leadership, your facilitator or the specific program you attended?

Question Title

10. Are you happy for your comments to be used in future client communications?

Thank you for your feedback!
We appreciate your effort and hope you enjoyed your time2talk workshop.