
The Catholic Church wants to hear from YOU

The Archdiocese of Port of Spain invites you to share your thoughts with us. The information shared will remain confidential.
This survey is for persons who currently reside in Trinidad and Tobago
Tell us what you have experienced in your relationship with Catholics or the Catholic Church
3.What joys did they bring? How did the joys affect your view of the Catholic Church?
4.What difficulties and obstacles have you encountered? How did the difficulties affect your view of the Catholic Church? 
5.Is there anything you like or admire about Catholics? 
6.Is there anything you dislike or troubles you about Catholics? 
7.Do you view Catholics as same or different from other Christians? Why? 
8.How can we strengthen our similarities? 
9.How can we lessen our differences? 
10.Would you be willing to work or minister with Catholics? Why? 
11.What do you think we can learn from working or ministering with each other? 
What do you think would improve your experiences with Catholics?
12.How can we as Catholics improve our responses to you and others? 
13.What can we as Catholics do better?