Gender Issues in Music. Demo Survey (English) Basic demography This is a demonstration survey to show how we can better understand gender diversity in the music sector. We will anonymously record your answers and connect them to the answers of more than 28,000 people who answered these questions earlier. More on our blogpost: Question Title * 1. What is your current occupation? Which statement best describes your current employment situation? 1a - Musician, composer, songwriter, DJ ... can be selected in more detail on Question 4! 1b - Other independent artistic activities, choreographers, graphic artists, etc. 1c - Music technician, eg sound engineer, light technician, supplier ... clarifies the next question Q4 1d - Music-related entrepreneur (label, publisher, booking, etc.) ... clarifies the next questions Q4 1e - Employed manager of a music-related company 1f - A non-managerial employee of a music company 1g - Full-time student in music or music related education 2 - DOES NOT WORK in general, the more detailed the following 2a - Responsible for ordinary shopping and looking after the home, or without any current occupation, not working 2b - Student 2c -Unemployed or temporarily not working 2d - Retired or unable to work through illness 3 - SELF EMPLOYED in general, more detailed below 3a - Farmer, fisherman 3b - Highly qualified professional (lawyer, medical practitioner, accountant, architect, etc.) 3c - Owner of a shop, craftsmen, other self-employed person 3d - Business proprietors, owner (full or partner) of a company 4 - EMPLOYED in general, more detailed below 4a - Employed professional (employed doctor, lawyer, accountant, architect or similar) 4b - General management, director or top management managing directors, director general, other director) 4c -Middle management, other management (department head, junior manager, teacher, technician) 4d -Office Worker 4e - Employed position, not at a desk but travelling (salesmen, driver, etc.) 4f -Service, public service (eg hospital, restaurant, police, fire department) 4g - Group leader, foreman 4h - Specialist 4i -Physical worker, home staff, baby sitter 5 - NEVER DID PAID JOB, and not student, not retired NA - prefer not to answer Question Title * 2. What is your primary role in your country's music scene? --- musician and DJ roles, select below --- 11-L - performing musician, not author 12-L - performing DJ, no own music 13-C - composer 14-R - producer 15-L - other artistic role 16-C - lyricist 17-L - author and composer 18-L - DJ producer with own music 19-L - conductor --- technical roles, select below --- 31-L - sound engineer and team (live music) 32-R - sound engineer and team (studio) 33-L - light engineer and team 34-L - stage master and team 35-L - other technical (live) 36-R - other technical (studio) --- music management roles, select below --- 41-L - tour manager 42-L - concert promoter in an institution 43-L - independent concert of festival promoter 44-L - booking agent 45-C - work in a collective management society 46-R - work in a music publisher 47-R - work at a record label 48-L - work at artist/talent manager 49-L - work at music club or discotheque 50-L - other management roles (live music) 51-R - other management roles (recordings) 52-C - other management roles (compositions) 53-L - transporter for bands, orchestras 61-L - other workers (music events) 62-R - other workers (recordings) 63-C - other workers (compositions) 64-O - other artist roles in live performances --- music education and journalism roles, select below --- 80-E - music journalist 81-E - music educator 82-E - work in a rehearsal studio --- other roles and student, select below --- 91-M - work in a record shop 92-M - work in an instrument shop or repair shop 98-M - full time student NA - not applicable or none above Question Title * 3. How old are you 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 or older DK - prefer not to say Question Title * 4. In which country do you mostly work or study? Italy Germany Netherlands Finland Hungary Australia Austria Belgium Afghanistan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Albania Czechia Denmark Estonia France Iceland Ireland Israel Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Other (please specify) Next