
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This survey is used to gather public comments and suggestions concerning appraisal review boards (ARBs) in compliance with Tax Code Section 5.104. It is intended to capture information concerning the performance of ARB panels and full ARBs, but not the results of protest hearings.

NOTE: The Comptroller's office does not have authority to intervene in local tax matters or take direct action on any comment or suggestion submitted.

FILING INSTRUCTIONS: Submit survey response to the Comptroller's Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) in one of these ways:
  • Electronic: Use the designated computer at the appraisal district office (as those responses are directly collected by PTAD) or through and in Spanish at
  • Paper: Paper copies may be delivered to PTAD in person at the Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) State Office Building, 111 East 17th Street, Austin, TX, 78701, or by mail at P.O. Box 13528, Austin, Texas 78711-3528.
  • Email: Scan and email to PTAD at
One survey should be completed per hearing conducted by a single-member ARB panel or the full ARB in a single day, whether concerning one account or several accounts and whether the accounts are related to the same property or not. Persons participating in protest hearings before the same ARB panel or full ARB on several days may complete one survey on each day. Persons participating in multiple protest hearings before different ARB panels are allowed to complete one survey for each panel in a single day.