Young Adult Trauma Suicide Prevention and Perserverance: Join a discussion that brings to light new innovations led by young adult peer mentors and peer supporters on how to address trauma, inspire hope and resilience and foster greater social connection amongst young adults, recognizing the changing landscape of the world of technology and social media. This workshop will focus on suicide prevention and perseverance.
MOVE UP: Modeling the Power of the Youth Voice: Join Youth MOVE Massachusetts advocates for an hour of storytelling and conversation! Youth advocates form across Massachusetts will be sharing their mental health journeys, showcasing the power of sharing your story, and modeling youth voice. Ther will be also multiple opportunities to connect with the presenters and debrief one another.
Cuerd@s Weaving a web of connections: Participate in embroidering cloth for individuals in mental health facilities as you hear inspirational stories and shed light on the power of young people to lead change.
Order from chaos: the open comic: The work is about using collage as a metaphor on the engagement process. "Many young adults present with a shiny interesting and important exterior. While the real person is a puzzle to piece together using elements of the exterior to see a new whole person."
Puzzling Perserverance! A fun Puzzle activity that will guide participants to reflect on different moments, challenges and goals in their life which they have persevered. Participants will be able to identify strategies in building and promoting health and wellness.
The Game of Life: Teams will play a game by making a series of "Life Choices" that will benefit or hinder individuals toward the finish. Participants will explore stress management skills, money management skills and skills that support transition to adulthood.