Thank you for taking this survey! Please answer questions with your current relationship in mind. If you have left your spouse or partner, please answer questions with your most recent relationship in mind. If a question does not apply to you, or you do not wish to answer it, please skip it. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, please either skip it or answer it to the best of your ability. If you are in multiple relationships, you may answer this survey for each relationship, or choose just one.

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender? 

Question Title

* 2. What is the gender identity of your partner?

Question Title

* 3. How many children do you have?

Question Title

* 4. Do you have a paid job? Please include any paid job, whether you work from home, in an office, in your own business, or in any other setting. 

Question Title

* 5. How much time per week do you estimate you spend on housework? Housework is ALL non-parenting labor necessary to sustain the house, and includes but is not limited to cooking, cleaning, organizing, etc.

Question Title

* 6. How many hours per week do you estimate you spend on childcare? Please count all hours during which you are directly responsible for the care and supervision of your children. 

Question Title

* 7. How many hours per week do you estimate you spend on other family labor, such as buying presents, caring for aging relatives, planning events, etc.?

Question Title

* 8. What percentage of household, childcare, and housekeeping labor in your family do you estimate you do? Please include tasks such as cooking, cleaning, planning family stuff, helping children with homework, scheduling children's appointments, etc.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. If there is an imbalance in household, family and childcare labor, please indicate the areas in which things are most imbalanced. If things are completely equal in your family, please skip this question. 

Question Title

* 10. Please choose the answer that best characterizes your distribution of household labor. 

Question Title

* 11. Please rate, on a scale of 1-100, rate how happy you are or were in this partnership, with 1 being the most unhappy imaginable and 100 being the happiest imaginable.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 12. How many times per month, on average do you estimate you and your partner have sex? 

Question Title

* 13. In an average night, how many times would you estimate you get up with a baby or child?

Question Title

* 14. In an average night, how many times would you estimate your partner gets up with a baby or child? 

Question Title

* 15. In a typical week, how much personal time for hobbies and fun activities do you estimate you get? Do not include times during which you are directly responsible for childcare. Chores, planning household events and tasks, and other tasks should not count toward this figure. Include only activities you do purely for yourself and your own enjoyment. 

Question Title

* 16. In a typical week, how much personal time, in hours, for hobbies and fun activities do you estimate your spouse gets? Do not include times during which they are directly responsible for childcare. Chores, planning household events and tasks, and other tasks should not count toward this figure.

Question Title

* 17. Does your partner get you gifts for holidays? 

Question Title

* 18. Does your partner ever call you names when you fight? 

Question Title

* 19. Does your partner criticize your parenting? 

Question Title

* 20. Has your partner ever broken things or thrown things in anger?

Question Title

* 21. Has your partner ever hit, slapped, pushed, shoved, or otherwise assaulted you? 

Question Title

* 22. Have you ever been afraid of your partner, even if only for a moment? 

Question Title

* 23. Does your partner ever make sexist comments, or use sexism as a weapon in fights? 

Question Title

* 24. On average, how much sleep do you get per night? 

Question Title

* 25. On average, how much sleep does your partner get per night? 

Question Title

* 26. Would you say that your marriage is better than, worse than other marriages?

Question Title

* 27. How often do you have an orgasm during sex with your partner?

Question Title

* 28. Please identify your three most important reasons for being in this relationship.

Question Title

* 29. Does your partner use anger to control you or to avoid accountability for their behavior? 

Question Title

* 30. If you had to do it again, would you get married/enter a partnership? 

Question Title

* 31. Have you ever been unfaithful to your partner? 

Question Title

* 32. Has your partner ever been unfaithful to you?

Question Title

* 33. Do you have any mental or physical disabilities, or are you neurodivergent? 

Question Title

* 34. Does your spouse have any mental or physical disabilities, or are they neurodivergent?

Question Title

* 35. Does your spouse work for pay? Please include all paid labor, whether they work from home, own their own business, work outside of the home, or earn money from a hobby. 

Question Title

* 36. Have you ever seriously considered leaving your partner?

Question Title

* 37. Do you currently want to leave your partner?

Question Title

* 38. Have you ever been to couples counseling?

Question Title

* 39. If you have been to couples counseling, did you find it helpful?

Question Title

* 40. If you have been to couples counseling, please share anything else you would like for me to know about the experience.

Question Title

* 41. Do you believe it is emotionally safe for your children to be alone with your partner?

Question Title

* 42. Do you believe it is physically safe for your children to be alone with your partner?

Question Title

* 43. Are you currently parenting any stepchildren?

Question Title

* 44. If you have stepchildren, please indicate, on a scale of 1 to 100%, the portion of parenting you do.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 45. What three characteristics initially attracted you to your partner?

Question Title

* 46. Is there anything else you would like for me to know about your marriage, or marriage generally?

Question Title

* 47. Drawing on your own experience with friends, family, and colleagues, what percentage of heterosexual relationships do you estimate are abusive?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 48. Drawing on your own experience with friends, family, and colleagues, what percentage of heterosexual relationships do you estimate are happy?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 49. In a given month, how many days do you estimate you and your spouse fight?

0 31
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 50. Has your partner ever coerced you into sex you did not want to have?

Question Title

* 51. Has your partner ever forced you to have sex?

Question Title

* 52. If you had to do it again, would you marry or enter a partnership with this particular partner?

Question Title

* 53. How would you characterize your relationship with your parents or family of origin?

Question Title

* 54. If there were no barriers or negative consequences, would you leave your marriage?

Question Title

* 55. Are you a caregiver to anyone other than children, such as an aging parent or disabled relative?

Question Title

* 56. Has your spouse supported you to achieve your goals and hopes for the future?

Question Title

* 57. On a scale of 1-100,how fulfilled do you feel?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 58. Are you currently in a relationship with the partner about whom you took this survey?

Question Title

* 59. Have people outside of your marriage, such as counselors, parents, or friends, encouraged you to leave your marriage?

Question Title

* 60. Have people outside of your marriage, such as counselors, parents, or friends, encouraged you to remain in your marriage?

Question Title

* 61. Has a romantic partner ever physically assaulted you? Examples of physical assaults include hitting, slapping, kicking, shoving, and punching, and all other forms of violent nonconsensual contact. Please answer for all relationships you have ever had, not just this one.

Question Title

* 62. Has anyone ever forced you to have sex you did not want to have?

Question Title

* 63. Have you ever been raped?

Question Title

* 64. Has your current partner ever coerced you into having sex you did not want, such as by whining, pouting, threatening you, or using physical coercion?

Question Title

* 65. Has any partner, including your current partner, ever coerced you into having sex you did not want, such as by whining, pouting, threatening you, or using physical coercion?

Question Title

* 66. Is there anything else you would like for me to know about your marriage or relationship?

Question Title

* 67. If you could share something with younger women about marriage and relationships, what would it be?

Question Title

* 68. If you could do so without consequence, would you divorce or leave your partner?

Question Title

* 69. Is there anything else you wish I had asked? I may ask it in another survey.

Question Title

* 70. To your knowledge, does your partner regularly consume pornography?

Question Title

* 71. Has your partner, to your knowledge, paid anyone for sex during your relationship?

Question Title

* 72. Do you feel you and your partner can solve problems together?

Question Title

* 73. Does your partner listen to your concerns?

Question Title

* 74. Has your partner ever changed a behavior you asked them to change?

Question Title

* 75. What was your biological sex at birth?

Question Title

* 76. What was your partner's biological sex at birth?