Student-Veteran Extended Engagement Survey |
Welcome to My Survey
Informed Consent - My name is Michael Bichrest and I am a doctoral student at Rivier University studying student-veterans. The purpose of the research is to determine how student-veterans progress through their education using different engagement methods. There will be approximately 150 student-veteran participants providing responses for this research. Student-veterans will be asked to complete 215 survey questions. This can be done electronically or in hard-copy. Filling in all of the responses should take approximately 20-25 minutes. All questions should be completed. The answers will be saved in a data file. The survey will be anonymous. The consent will be stored in a separate place from the data file. Participation in the study is expected to present minimal risk to you. While no student-veterans should expect to personally gain from participation in the study, the results will provide data that will give information to assist other student-veterans with their academic progress in higher education. There are no costs to participate in this study. There is no compensations for participating in this study. Your consent in this research is entirely voluntary. If you refuse to participate, you will not experience any penalty or negative consequences. I seek to maintain confidentiality of all data and records associated with your participation in this research. Further, any communication via the internet poses minimal risk of a breach of confidentiality. The data will be stored on a password protected computer in a secure office at a Rivier University site. I will be the only person with access with the exception of my committee members. Results will be reported anonymously. Results will be used to determine possible correlations between educational engagement and academic progress. This information will not be disclosed to any third-party, to include other researchers. Clicking "OK" is providing your consent to participate. Should you have questions about this research please contact: Michael Bichrest at