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* 1. What grade do you teach? OR What age group of youth do you work with?

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* 2. What is your overall rating of the Student Mental Health Toolkit?

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* 3. How likely are you to recommend this Toolkit to a co-worker?

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* 4. Overall, is the Student Mental Health Toolkit easy to use and to navigate?

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* 5. Overall, has the Student Mental Health Toolkit given you some useful tools to support the mental health of your students and educate your students on stigma?

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* 6. How likely are you to book a Virtual School Presentation after visiting the Student Mental Health Toolkit?

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* 7. How helpful was the Diverse-Ability/Disability Section to educate your students on Inclusion?

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* 8. How helpful was the Coping with Mental Health section in teaching your students about mental health and wellbeing?

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* 9. How helpful was the Student Activities section in providing students with activities they can do to support their mental health?

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* 10. How helpful were the resources on the Help & Community Resources page?

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* 11. How helpful were the Lesson Plans and Downloadable Resources pages in providing you with lessons and resources to use in your classroom?

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* 12. How likely are you to use the Lesson Plans in your classroom?

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* 13. What other Downloadable Resource topics (surrounding mental health, mental illness and stigma) would you like to have for your students?

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* 14. Is there anything else you would like to add? Please let us know any other improvements we can make, or anything you feel can be improved about the Toolkit.

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* 15. Can we contact you for more feedback in the future for clarification of any of the feedback you’ve provided?

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* 16. If yes, please enter your email address below: