Student Information Form

Congratulations on holding your school competition! Please send any photos you have from your school competition for us to help congratulate your school winner on social media.

Please use this survey to register your school champion and alternate for your semi-final event. You will need to submit this form twice - once for your school champion and once for your alternate.

This form must be submitted on or before Friday, February 9, 2018 for your students  to be eligible for the semi-final competitions - note: the 1st semi-final event is on February 15th this year!

Before moving forward with this form, be sure you have verified your student's citizenship and have the following information:
- Student Information (address, phone, email)
- Student Parent/Guardian Information (address, phone, email)
- Poem Information for all 3 Selected Poems (title, author, order for recitation, criteria each satisfies)
- Student Bio (short paragraph used to introduce student at semi-finals)