Strive Young Professionals COVID-19 Business Recovery Advocacy Survey

Strive Young Professionals group is looking for feedback on how our members and business owners have been impacted by COVID-19 and how they feel about the Government of Ontario’s plan for reopening and recovery. Please take a moment to provide us with your feedback so that we can understand what we can do to advocate for our members in these unprecedented times.

If you have any questions, please contact our Advocacy Officer at
1.What is your age?
2.To which gender identity do you most identify?
3.What was your employment status before the COVID-19 shutdown?
4.If you work for an organization, how has your employment been affected by COVID-19
5.If you are self-employed, how has your business been affected by COVID-19
6.How do you feel about the Phase 2 reopening strategy announced in Ontario?
7.Do you feel confident in your ability to handle employee and customers health and safety concerns?
8.When it comes to finding necessary products to sanitize your business, and provide employees and customers with proper personal protective equipment (PPE) do you feel that you can get what you need?
9.Has your business taken advantage of any of the government loans and funding available for coping with COVID-19
10.Do you feel that the government support was helpful in managing the COVID-19 Crisis?
11.What other types of support would you as a young professional and/or business owner feel would be useful to help with the COVID-19 recovery / reopening?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered