St. Philips Blackburn North Parish and School are exploring the potential of renewing the current curriculum, with the addition of components of a Classical Education Curriculum. The purpose of the survey is to gain insight into the hopes and aspirations of our current and potential school parents and interest in a liberal arts approach.

Individual responses to this survey will be kept confidential, with only anonymous and collective group findings being shared with the school. The survey is intentionally short and should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.
Part 1 – About You

Question Title

* 4. What postcode do you live in?

Question Title

* 5. What is the estimated peak-hour travel time between your home and St. Philips, Blackburn North?

Part 2 – About the School

Question Title

* 6. Please answer the following questions using a one to five scale – where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.

  1. Strongly Disagree 5. Strongly Agree
1. It is important to me that the staff members and leadership are welcoming and approachable.
2. It is important to me that the other families at the school have strong Catholic values.
3. I think the school will have the same educational values as we do.
4. I think the cohort (families and students in year level), will be people we feel comfortable being around and socialising with.
5. I want my children to get good academic results.
6. I want my children to have good pastoral care.
7. I think extracurricular activities are important.
8. I am not concerned about the size of the school.
9. I am not concerned about the state of the school buildings and grounds.
10. I am not concerned about getting value for the school fees.
11. I am not concerned about being able to afford the school fees.
12. I am only considering St. Philips because of the proposed classical/liberal arts curriculum.
Part 3 – Comments and Commitment

Question Title

* 7. How likely are you to enrol your children at St. Philips?
(On a scale of 1 to 10 – where 1 is very unlikely and 10 is very likely)

1 - Very Unlikely 10 - Very Likely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. How likely are you to recommend St. Philips to another family?
(On a scale of 1 to 10 – where 1 is very unlikely and 10 is very likely)

1 - Very Unlikely 10 - Very Likely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. Any other comments

Question Title

* 10. This survey is being conducted by independent education consultants Eddee, if you would be willing to confidentially discuss your answers in more detail please provide your contact details.
(This is entirely optional and all of your answers above and to any follow up questions will remain anonymous).

Thank you very much for completing the survey.